In the Employee class, we'll annotate the Employee with and Role with Employee, Role, and HireController will look like: class Employee Role role In other words, this will let the Swagger know about the presence of the model. As we need to document this enum, we'll add to the enum Role. In order to document an enum in Swagger, we need to declare the models using annotation this example, we created an enum Role with four possible values – Engineer, Clerk, Driver, and Janitor. Beginning with version 4.0.0, we support experimental Handlebars and user-defined template engines via plugins. Built-in templates are written in Mustache and processed by jmustache.
#Openapi generator enum code#
This is a Baeldung Document Enum Sample Code OpenAPI Generator applies user-defined templates via options: CLI: -t/-template CLI options.
#Openapi generator enum full#
These pre-defined constant values are called enum. zod-to-openapi : Generate full OpenAPI (Swagger) docs from Zod, including schemas, endpoints & parameters. Some APIs need the user to stick with a specific set of pre-defined values. Let's try to understand the importance of Enum in Swagger. The JSON file generated by our application will also follow the OpenAPI specifications. definitions: Notification: type: 'object' discriminator: 'notificationType' properties: notificationType: type: 'string' description: 'Type of notification' enum: - 'EMAIL' - 'SMS' SmsNotification: allOf: - ref: '/definitions/Notification' - type: 'object' EmailNotification allOf: - ref: '/definitions/Notification' - type. It also provides various tools like Swagger Editor, Swagger UI, and Swagger CodeGen to assist API development.Īlso, Swagger is an implementation of OpenAPI specifications or OAS, which defines the set of standards for rest API development consequently, it helps organizations across the globe to standardize the process of writing APIs. Swagger comes in very handy for designing as well as documenting APIs. Without writing a single line of code, API designer can generate the. In today's world, most organizations are moving towards microservices and API first approach. You must first create the Enum type in postgres before creating the user table. A Swagger is an open-source tool for defining rest-based APIs.